ES-P2 抛光型地坪 *
抛光混凝土是一个通过材料渗透硬化自然浇灌的混凝土,使其表面强度和密致度得到强化,并通过机械打磨和抛光提高其反光度,从而使其兼备使用性能和特使装饰效果的产品。在浇灌过程中,可以预先根据设计需要添加不司级配和颜色的骨料,还可以在其后进行染色,最后通过机械方法展露而进- 一步增加其装饰性。
Products Introduc tion
Polished concrete is a product w ith both usage performance and envoys dec orative effect,whichis mak ing from the concrete by the way ofmaterial penetration,hardening and naturally watering,so that the surfacestrength and dense degree are strengthened,and improve itsreflectance by mechanical grinding and polishing.In he watering process,you can add the aggregate of the different gradations and color inadvanceaccordi ng to the des gn you need,or you dyethe co or subsequent y,and increase its further decorativeffect final ly by mechan icalmeans.