ES-S1 超平地坪、激光整平 *
ES-S,可以满足10m 高以上多层存储货架、设备安装及满负荷状态下对地面水平度及平整度的要求; 使导货架、设备安装简易,无需反复调整平衡,满足高叉正常作业对平整度的要求,延长高叉的使用寿命,大大降低了设备维修率,地坪面整洁,垂直度感光明显。
Products Introduction
ES-S,meet the requirements of the ground level and flatness for 10m high multi-tiered torage shelves,equipment installation and full
loading,making shelves and the device easy to install,no need to repeatedly adjust the balance,meet the requirements of the flatness for highlift fork trucks,which extend the life of the equipment and greatly reduce the equipment maintenance.The ground is flat and smooth,theverticality photosensitive is obvious.